Today has been an interesting day, I found two little bits of evidence tucked away amongst some papers that should help shine some light on who these filmmakers are.
The two bit’s of paper have one thing in common – they are both from The Dundee Linoleum Company Limited. The business card also has a name A.J. Ferrie. I looked up the name Ferrie in the online phonebook for the areas of Arbroath and Dundee. There are 5 matches; 4 in Dundee and 1 in Arbroath under the name A Ferrie. I plan to call over the weekend and have a chat with A Ferrie.
I also heard back from the Angus District council Archive department today, who were very helpful. They invited me to visit and research the minutes of all meetings held by the Council which will contain the names of the Director of Housing Management. The minutes available would be from 1975 – 1996 and if I required to go back further from 64-75 then they could look for me as a commissioned piece of research. They Also suggested I put an advert in the Arbroath Herald seeking information.
A quick look on google maps tells me it’s a mere 17.5 miles from Dundee to Arbroath.
The puzzle is starting to build up and slowly I feel I’m getting closer to finding out more about these two filmmakers.